viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2013

It's me, but translated

Having moved from small town Montevideo, Uruguay to the exciting London it has become an urge to create a blog in English. You may ask yourself why, and the answer to that is to get a creative job in London precisely. So welcome recruiter that noticed that link on my CV, and welcome advertising person that it is now staring at the screen reading my random thoughts. Welcome to you all. Feel free to express criticism or praise on the comments below.

Here's some milk and cookies so you can start to get comfortable in my personal space.

Ok, I know it is just a picture of milk and cookies and you can't actually eat them. Unless you're reading this in the future and you can print them in some high tech food printing machine, in that case I envy you. 
Anyway, getting back to the point, what you can expect from this blog is some of my random thoughts and posts from my other blog translated into English.



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